Our Ministries
Community Outreach
Though located within Metro-East IL, our focus is to reach not only our local community, yet the surrounding communities also. We plan to do this through free community expos, specialized events, and more! Said reach will consist of education and development. Some topics that we will cover, utilizing the teachings of God’s word, include money, health, leadership, and community investment, to name a few.
Personal Finance
Collaborating with local financial advisors and institutions, this ministry will provide services, both on-line and in person, that teaches basic fundamentals such as the handling of money, the misusing of money, credit card usage, mutual funds and other investments, and so much more. Prov. 21:20 states, “A wise person saves for the future.” Our goal is to IMPACT the future of the community, one member at a time.
Leadership is one of those pivotal ministries we believe is needed in all communities; for all ages (especially the young). The world, NOW MORE THAN EVER, is in need of more leaders than followers. Teaching leadership development, and knowing when to be a follower, can help improve not just the home, but the community as a whole.
Pre-Marital Counseling
Led by our Pastor and First Lady, RLM offers counseling to couples who may be thinking about marriage or are planning their big day. The Bryant Team provides couples with the basic foundation they need to be successful in a marriage. In addition, teaching these couples that they are still individuals with their own personalities, yet must work together as one, to reach a positive and successful union.
Health and Wellness
1 Corinthians 6:19-20 says, “Our bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, so we should honor God with them.” A healthy community starts with a healthy community member. Our Health and Wellness Ministry was developed with a sole purpose in mind: to improve your way of life. Information that will be discussed are the following, yet not limited to: hypertension, mental health, and diabetes. Our belief is that, when we do better, we can live better.
Click here to learn about all RLM ministries, and how you may support the vision.